

Dulce Respite Center 

Caring for children with special needs


Cuidando niños con necesidades especiales.

Nuestra historia

Con el deseo de ayudar a las familias de niños con necesidades especiales decidí crear en mi hogar un espacio donde los padres llevaran a sus hijos por algunas horas para ser cuidados bajo el programa de Respiro.

Por 5 años estuve trabajando desde mi hogar para ofrecer un servicio confiable, de calidad e individualizado pero la demanda de las familias por este servicio fue creciendo y me pregunté:

¿Cómo podemos ayudar a más familias?

Our history

With the desire to help families with special needs children, I started to serve as a Respite Care Provider at  my house. I created a comfortable and safe space in my home where parents could bring their children for few hours to be cared for.

For 5 years I was working from home to offer a reliable, quality and individualized service, but the demand from families for this service was growing and I asked myself:  "How can we help more families?"

What we do...


By working at Dulce Respite Center you make a difference in the lives of our children, their families and our community.


At DRC we equip caregivers with the skills and knowledge necessary to provide the best care possible. (Only for Employees)

respite service

It's a short period of care for a child with special needs, where the parents are temporarily relieved from the primary care of their child by a respite care provider.


By working at Dulce Respite Center you make a difference in the lives of our children, their families and our community.


At DRC we equip caregivers with the skills and knowledge necessary to provide the best care possible. (Only for Employees)

respite service

It's a short period of care for a child with special needs, where the parents are temporarily relieved from the primary care of their child by a respite care provider.

Reclutamiento y entrenamiento

El servicio de contratación y formación de trabajadores de relevo está dirigido a personas interesadas en prestar apoyo y atención temporal a niños y jóvenes con necesidades especiales.

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